Buda-Georgetown Lime Play

Production Characteristics

The Buda-Georgetown trend is characterized by a wide production swath through the Upper Gulf Coast of Texas with local “sweet-spots” of anomalously good wells.

ICI field in Brazos County ( Figure 2) is a classic example illustrating the some of the newer aspect of the play. The field is a satellite to the greater Kurten field complex, which has produced better than 22 million barrel of oil and nearly 2 billion cubic feet of casing-head gas. The area surrounding ICI field, over to the Kurten field wells, is known for wells that have produced 10,000 to 100,000 barrels of oil. Inside the ICI fields core area, however, the wells produce over 100,000 barrels per well. The ICI field has yielded almost 5 million barrels of oil and over 1.5 billion cubic feet of casing-head gas. The majority of the wells at Kurten are vertical, while those at ICI are horizontal. This because of the relative vintages of the two fields – horizontal drilling was not standard practice when Kurten was developed.

The area around the ICI “sweet-spot” has wells that have produced from 5,000 to 60,000 barrels of Oil (BO). These numbers would generally be uneconomic for standard horizontal well costs, under most price scenarios. The current high price scenarios dictate that this area should have another look, because some of these wells would be economic today.